Saturday, March 12, 2011

prayers for Japan

i've been trying to think of what to say about this. it didn't feel right not to say anything and to act like nothing happened, but i don't want it to seem like i'm doing this just because everyone else is or something. when i woke up friday morning, i checked my phone like usual and saw the news of the earthquake and tsunami in japan. my heart broke. then i read further and saw that it would affect many other countries, including the U.S....and California. even though southern california wasn't a big concern, it still made me really sad. like when i watched 2012 and had to see LA and santa monica being destroyed, i mean, that's my home! i seriously cried when i watched that movie.
anyway, as i read that yesterday morning along with all the reports of the destruction in japan, i also started crying. but it's so amazing and beautiful to see the world come together at times like this. praying for people across the world that they don't even know. sending help. donating money. i can't even begin to imagine the devastation and fear the people in japan have experienced. just seeing the videos and pictures was hard enough. i havent been able to stop thinking about it and praying for those people there.

i'm sorry if my thoughts didn't make any sense, but i just wanted to write down my feelings about it.

this is a good article i read about the aftermath, if you're interested.

To donate directly to the Japan relief fund, go to the Red Cross website here.
You can also donate $10 to the Red Cross by texting REDCROSS to 90999.

p.s. i recommend you don't watch videos on youtube about this, or if you do, don't read the comments. the comments of some heartless people are sickening.

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