wicked! wish we could have seen it :(

manhattan bridge

view of the manhattan bridge from where we waited an hour for the bus
Saturday morning me and my aunt drove to a bus station and left for new york at 9. it's like a Chinese business so all these Chinese people were riding it and the bus smelled like pee and fish. horrible. and this guy in the row next to us was SO obnoxious it wasn't even funny. him and his girlfriend/mistress got on the bus with a ton of luggage right when we were about to drive away. from the second he got on the bus, he was talking SO LOUD and just embarrassing himself. apparently they were only spending the day in new york, but had all this luggage, for reasons unknown. so weird. the things he said to his girlfriend/mistress were ridiculous. i put in my earbuds so i wouldn't have to listen to him the whole trip. that's all i'll say about him...
when we got to new york, the bus stopped in Chinatown, obviously. FYI, if you ever go to new york, NEVER waste your time in Chinatown. its dirty and stinky and sketchy. people won't leave you alone as you walk down the sidewalk because they're trying to sell you "Lou Vuitton, Chanel, designa bags!" like your nail lady but worse. and it's so crowded with tourists, for reasons i don't know. i really don't know why people would choose to go there! we walked back and forth trying to find the right subway station to get to times square. finally we did it.
times square is another place that i don't really like. wayyy too many tourists. it's cool and all, but only go there once. and don't even bother trying to go shopping. the only reason i'd go there again is to see a show. which is why we were there. we went to Gershwin theatre, where Wicked is playing. we entered the raffle for tickets. there were still some for sale inside, but my aunt didn't even consider buying them...i don't know why....then all of the people around us won the raffle, but we didn't :( so so sad. but whatever i guess. so we tried to decide on another show to see. i suggested Billy Elliot. so we went to the imperial theatre and checked the tickets. still some available, 80 bucks each for seats in the mezzanine. BUT it ran a little over 3 hours, and apparently we had to be back in Chinatown for the bus at 5:30 and the show started at 2 and would end at 5:10ish. i was like, "ya! that'll work! totally fine!" but Carrie was going crazy worrying about if we'd make it in time. but it's not like any other show would be any different! so she was trying to decide if we should get the tickets and i'm like "uhhh yaaa....!" i mean, if we miss the bus, then so what! we can always take the train back to Philly or if worst came to worst, we could spend the night at her friend's house who lives in the city. so it was reallyyy bothering me that she was so concerned about this stupid bus. so after talking to the box office guy who told us what train to take back to Chinatown, Carrie finally decided to just get the tickets. wheww!! she kept asking me what to do and i just said "uh, idk....i'm a spontaneous person and i don't like having to plan things out soooo....don't ask me" ha well, i said it a little differently, but that was the jist of it. so then we were gonna go to a pizza place i wanted to go to but she was like "oh idk if we can get there and get back in time...is it close to the bus stop? blah blah blah" and i'm like "you know what, whatever, i can just go there with my friends over spring break." so then she wanted to go LOOK AT THE SUBWAY STATION that the box office dude told us to go to. really?!?!? we literally spent all of our time walking from subway station to subway station, just to figure out how we would get to Chinatown...in 5 hours!! so then we went to lunch at Europan. i ate pasta and Carrie DREW A MAP OUT of the streets or something. she already had a printed out map of all the subway lines, we had my phone which had a gps with the subway lines, and then she had to draw it all out too?!??! whaaat???? i was going crazyyy.
so then we went to the show. which was AMAZING by the way! ahhhh i want to marry that kid! he is an AMAZING dancer! couldn't really sing, which was a bummer, but oh wells.
the box office dude told us that we didn't have to stay for the "grande finale" if we had to get out sooner or whatever, so right when the curtain dropped, Carrie grabbed her stuff and was ready to book it. i hadn't grabbed my stuff yet. then everyone stood for the standing ovation.the curtain went up and there was another dance number! no way were people going to let us get out. they did their bows and everythang. i was happy and laughing inside that we weren't able to get out. i couldn't care less if we missed the bus! actually i was hoping we did. mean. but whatever. then we eventually got out when it was all over. went straight to the subway station. basically ran. i walked. from there, we had to walk a little ways to get to the bus stop and got there with plenty of time to lose. but a lady told us it was across the street. so we went over there and a group of people were already waiting for the bus. then a lady working there said the bus was stopping somewhere else, so she led us all down the street and around the corner. but Carrie wasn't sure if this was even the right bus, so she went up and asked the lady, and the lady said, no it's a different bus. but was trying to ignore Carrie cuz she wanted us to go to their company's bus. so we RAN back to where we went first. i didn't really run. i was in boots and i have asthma so i said no thank you. so we finally go to the real bus stop. and waited. and waited. and waited for an HOUR!!! we could've been doing new york stuff!! ahhh i was so pissed. i seriously wanted to walk away. stupid stupid stupid. such a waste. but then it finally arrived. a nice charter bus this time, but it still smelled like fish. idk how that happens. but it wasn't as bad this time. and we sat by these two college age lookin guys who were visiting Philly from Wisconsin. we talked to them, they were cool. i ate my red velvet cupcake that i got from Europan but it was really disappointing. it wasn't moist and had no taste at all. the frosting wasn't cream cheese and also didn't have any taste. so sad.
then we finally got to the car and i drove home (!)
when i look back on it, it was a HORRIBLE experience! even though we saw Billy Elliot, Carrie totally ruined the day for me. so so stupid. how can you go to New York for the day and just be worrying all day about how you're gonna get back to a bus stop?!? i do not get it....
luckily next time i won't be there with her. i'll be there with one of my best frans!!! yaaayyyy :D
so sorry that this was a ridiculously long description of my day in new york. but, well, whatever
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