Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 18

a picture of your biggest insecurity.

i'm not sure if this counts as in insecurity, but i'm pretty sure it does ha.
well, i don't like calling people i don't know. like, if you have to call customer service or costco to see how much a box of contacts will cost, or maybe a restaurant to find out their hours. i freaking hate doing that! i always stutter or forget what i'm saying (or supposed to be saying) or just don't know what to say at all. it's never a fun experience.
BUT i'm totally cool with going up to strangers in person to ask them a question. for example, at disneyland on new years, i must've gone up to 50 people, asking where they bought those minnie ears or where they got that massive turkey leg, or whatever.
so it's pretty weird. i'm cool with calling people i know, or people who i don't know calling me, but i just can't call people who i don't know.
does anyone else have that problem?
i used to have a friend who was terrified of answering the phone. unless it was her family and close friends, and only if she knew that it was them calling.
so i know i'm not the only one out there! :)

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