Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mackenna makes me laugh

today, i was singing "say my name, say my name, wear it out" and mackenna says "you not weirdo! you kiana!!" hahah! she thought "wear it out" sounded like "weirdo." she cracks me up.
and she's been having difficulties getting dressed in the morning:

this was from a couple days ago

today, after she got her shirt partly on (but still covering her face) she walks out of my room (i guess so i wouldn't see her) then start whining in the hall, meaning she was stuck and needed help. she walks towards my room, her shirt all twisted and still covering her face. she almost runs into the doorway as she tries to find her way to me so i can help her (i'm laughing this whole time btw). then i take out my phone and just say, "one second one second!" and somehow she knows that i'm taking a picture, so she says "CHEEEESE!!" even though i can't even see her face!! hahahahah so so funny!

aaaand today haha!

then five minutes later...

passed out on my floor haha!

and later, as i'm getting ready to go get holden, (i had told mk to go get her shoes and jacket on) it was strangely quiet. i thought maybe she had gone upstairs. so i yell her name and she says, "i'm downstairs!" and i'm the door, downstairs??? and she answers YES! so i go and see this:

her waiting patiently and quietly in her stroller for me. all ready to go. hahaha!! she is the cutest!!

and just to be super random, i just saw this video on facebook and had to share. CRAAAAZY!!! and even crazier that the people only clapped for like five seconds! i'm pretty sure this is the most ridiculously impressive thing i have ever seen. well, i've seen some pretty ridiculously impressive things in my life, but this one is definitely way up there!

p.s. i am BEYOND jealous of the weather in California this week. is it SERIOUSLY going to be 90 degrees tomorrow?!?!?! wahhh!!! :( everyone spent the day at the beach!! soo not fair! it's cold and cloudy and about to rain here! so so sad. and i also realized i'm missing all of the yellow flowers in the fields and on the hills in Cali! even more sad!
BUT only about SIX more weeks till i'm back in the glorious sunshine state!! (are we the sunshine state....?)

p.p.s my phone is possessed

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