i planned on walking to the library with Mackenna, but the second we walked outside, i changed my mind. it was FREEZING today!! plus it was foggy all day. fog=mist. no thanks.
instead, we watched a bunch of movies online. bahah.

first, Easy A. i heard it wasn't all that great, which for some people it probably wouldn't be. but i loved it! it was hilarious. and i looovee Emma Stone. she's soo funny. this movie kinda reminded me of Mean Girls or Cinderella Story, those sorts.

then we watched Flipped. it was super cute :) and the boy in it reminded me of my friend Justin from EFY in Santa Barbara. it's such a classic movie....like sandlot or something. and it's directed by Rob Reiner, who also directed Stand By Me (and tons of other movies of course) which is one of my all time favorite movies! so i guess Flipped is better compared to Stand By Me than The Sandlot.

the last movie we watched was Leap Year. this is definitely a new favorite! it reminded me of the Holiday or P.S. I Love You....probably just because of the whole Ireland/Irish guy thing. I'm not a huge fan of Amy Adams, but I'm a fan of the Irish guy who was in it! haha! it was a really cute movie, and it made me want to go to Ireland and marry an attractive guy with an Irish accent! oh yeahh!
so yeah, we did NOTHING today. we barely even ate since there's no food in the house.
but yesterday we had a fun day cutting out and coloring hearts then hanging them all around the house! yayyy for February! and not having to celebrate valentine's day with anyone since I'm only surrounded by a couple of kids every dayy!
oh crap. i just realized Steven and Carrie are probably going to go out for dinner together on valentines day and I'm gonna be stuck at home with the kids. worst valentines day ever.
welll cool
best valentines day ever. where online do you watch these movies? tell me your secret. text me.