awesome gravestones!
boston massacre happened right where that traffic light is

the next day we went downtown. parking is impossible in Boston so you have to take the train. they call it the T. it only took about 15 minutes to get where we needed to go. we followed the freedom trail to see all the historical stuff. the old north church, old city hall, graveyards, and the place where the Boston massacre happened. for lunch we went to Durgin Park. Carrie wanted to go there for their beans. i hate beans. i even dared to try some, but nope, still hate them. i just got clam chowder and a salad. the chowder was good though! and for dessert: strawberry shortcake. the best part was their homemade whipped cream! yummm! i was SO FULL!!!! the portions were HUGE. luckily we did a lot of walking over the weekend. hopefully i burned off most of the fat i gained!

holden's dessert...bigger than his headnext, we met up with their friend, Terese, in Cambridge. she was the one taking their pictures. so we did all that. but unfortunately, mackenna was a little stinker and refused to smile. then she refused to even look at the camera. then she just started screaming and crying. i don't know why...she always lets me take pictures of her! i guess it's because she didn't know Terese and because she was freezing. so she made it very difficult for everyone. if you want to see some of the shots, you can check out Terese's
after the shoot, we went to Terese's cute house. they live right next to Harvard. her neighborhood housed Julia Child and E.E. Cummings back in the day. pretty cool! Terese has three kids and a horn-rimmed-ray-ban-wearing husband. they are super cool and HILARIOUS people. i loved spending time talking to them! i usually hate spending time with Steven and Carrie's friends because i barely take part in the conversation and i'm just super bored. but these people were so much fun and young and were interested in what i had to say haha if that makes sense?
Josh, Terese's husband goes to Harvard. he's a scientist. like, a really good scientist apparently. and he had to write a 30 page thesis before Monday so he insisted on staying home with the kids while the rest of us went out to dinner. that's what i call a good husband! haha! so we went out, to the same area where wagamama is. Terese told us what everything was. like all the Harvard buildings and student housing and Harvard hot spots. so cool. (i couldn't stop thinking of The Social Network, have you seen it??) we walked around for a while looking for a good place to eat. we saw a really fancy looking restaurant, then saw people going into the basement. the basement looked cool so we went down there. it was a seat-yourself-pub-like place. and bar. my kind of place! called Grendel's restaurant. the picture was of a hobbit looking dude. i wish i got a picture of it. the place was super crowded. we ended up sitting in the back behind a wall. haha sweet. the food was delicious though! we had fun talking, with no kids to constantly attend to. wow, i sound like a mom....
deeeelicious mashed potatoes, steak with chimicurry sauce and yummy salad with yummy dressing!
finale dessertson our way back to the car, we stopped at Finale. a fancy restaurant that also had a pastry shop in the front. like cheesecake factory, but fancier. we bought a chocolate cake and a few small pastries/tarts. got it to go and brought it back to Terese's.
when we came into the house we saw this:
holden and presley fell asleep while watching scooby doo under the awesome tent josh made for themand josh sitting on the couch with his laptop. he had already finished like 20 pages! he really is a genius! we ate dessert, drank milk. and talked some more. i could tell you about all the funny conversations we had, but i don't want to bore you any more than i probably already have. just know that it was such a fun night and i laughed A LOT!