these pictures are way old but literally are the only pictures i have of us together! what's the deal?!
well Brianna, i hope you have a fantastic day and that your friends aren't too mean to you for April Fool's haha. don't party too hard tonight, i know how you can get!! hehehe ;)i have a little treat for you but i will have to update you in about 30 minutes, so check back later! in the meantime, you can watch this that we made for you a long time ago but i just now uploaded because it wouldn't upload anywhere until now! pheww
love you sister! i can't wait to come home NEXT MONTH!! we're going to have so much fun :)
alright, here it is! (ya, it was a little more than a 30 minute wait, but whatever.) :)
oh and let me tell you, this was not so easy to do. it took quite a few tries for them to actually cooperate. i wish i was good at editing videos so i could put in the bloopers, but i can just show you in May :)
YES!!! I LOVED both of those!!!! so so so very much (: thank you!! miss you!!