haven't stopped some beautiful flowers from blooming! yesterday we walked around the graveyard which is looking a little less sad with all these colorful flowers popping up!

it's been a crazy and exhausting week. plus my computer has been horrible, which also explains why i haven't been around here more.
Sunday, my cold had kicked in, just like i knew it would. i was way too miserable to get up and get dressed to go to church. but i still tried to watch most of conference online.
Monday, my aunt had surgery. i did laundry and got to video chat with my best friend, Francesco, who's the one that lives in Italy :) Steven came home way later than i expected him to. it was 8 o'clock and we realized we hadn't had dinner. so i figured i should probably make something. once i finished making it, Steven came home with a bag of McDonald's for his own dinner. he didn't even bother to call us all day to let us know he'd be home later and that i should make dinner. whatever.
Tuesday, Carrie came home. they both were home all day so i didn't really have to do anything. me and Mackenna went with Steven to run errands then pick up Holden. then we went to get Rita's (my favorite place in the world) and pizza for dinner. obviously Steven is incapable of actually making dinner. then we all watched Tron (we bought it earlier) which is my favorite movie in the world! well, basically. so it was a fun day filled with things i love. BUT Holden and Mackenna fought and screamed at each other all day. and Mackenna had two meltdowns. before and after the movie. so awesome.
i don't really recall what happened on Wednesday.
yesterday (Thursday) Carrie had to go in to get something done on her foot. no clue what that was about.
today it rained. i'm still sick. had a migraine allll day. POUNDING. and Carrie keeps wanting me to walk to the library to return some books for her. it's a little less than a mile away, but i'm sick, have a migraine, and it's raining outside! and her husband is perfectly capable of driving to the library and doing it. urgh so frustrating! then she wanted me to go to the store. then she wanted me to clean and organize the kid's room. i understand that she needs some help cuz she's in pain or whatever, and that i need to earn money since i'm not taking care of Mackenna while she's home. but I'M SICK and would rather not have to do a whole lot of work either! especially not walk out in the rain. whatever. hopefully i'll be better by tomorrow. and hopefully next week is a better week!
oh and i've realized it's impossible for me to go to bed before midnight. sweet.
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