Thursday, January 13, 2011

girl's day

she doesn't look very happy in the first one, but she actually really was

nasty chips

mine and Mackenna's morning was spent eating waffles, painting our nails, and listening to Florence + the Machine and Sigur Ros. and when Staralur came on, Mackenna was like "oooooooohhh!! hehehe" :) sigur ros is apparently her new favorite band. then we watched birds playing in the trees out the windows. then we ate chips that i think taste like beer...not that i would know what beer tastes like...but after i told Mackenna it tastes like beer she kept saying "they dont taste like beer!" so i ask her what they taste like and she says "they taste like...." and she makes a super concentrated/thinking face, then raises her eyebrows as if there was an amazing explosion in her mouth. well, that's a good way to explain how something tastes! hahaha
and i also thought about exercising this morning, but then i realized it was already 2 o'clock and we were still in our pajamas and not ready at alll. and we had to leave to pick up Holden in 30 minutes AND since it's freezing outside, it takes even longer to get ready to go out. but we made it!

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