school cancelled. so much freaking snow. Steven and Holden were outside shoveling for a long time. then when we decided that we were finally going to go to Wendy's, the rest of us came outside. but they weren't even close to being done. the cars were still covered in snow and with no way out. it was so fun though. walking in the street since everywhere else you sank into the snow which was about a foot and a half (most streets are one way streets here, so it was fine). all of our neighbors (people we don't know) were out shoveling too. it felt like...Christmas or something. i can't think of what exactly it felt like. maybe more like 4th of July or Thanksgiving, when EVERYONE is out doing and celebrating the same thing. i just wanted to lay in the perfect looking snow. ahhhh. but i know that once you do it it's not as fun as it looks. only if you have super water proof clothes on...which i didn't. once we got the snow off the car, me Holden and mackenna sat in the car while Steven and Carrie finished shoveling. we jammed to the good radio station that i found and that Steven and Carrie never listen to. then after a long time we finally left.
when we got back from Wendy's, Steven had to finish shoveling the rest of our sidewalk. so instead of going inside, we all stayed outside and played in the snow. i, of course, took a bunch of pictures. we walked in the street, we went into the graveyard, we threw snowballs, and we made a snowman :) the graveyard was awesome because no one had been in there yet so it was perfect. so we got to see just how deep the snow was! and it was DEEEEP! like up to my knees in some spots! it was so sweeet. but i had to carry mackenna (because it would be impossible for her to walk in, obviously) and she is so freaking heavy now so we didn't stay in the graveyard for a long time.
Carrie started making a snowman. we helped and it looked awesome. then a snow plow almost took me out. then we finally went inside cuz it was getting dark, and i couldn't feel my toes anymore.
we watched some Glee. then i made my tuna zucchini pasta :) it was delicious, of course. but Steven and Holden stayed upstairs playing video games -__- then they came downstairs when we were done and they just ate brownies and oreos. i swear, sometimes........
anyway, Carrie found out that her school is cancelled AGAIN tomorrow!!!!! and Holden only has a 2 hour delay. YESSSS!!. all day just me mackenna and Carrie. and sleeping in AGAIN. we're gonna go shopping ahahah super dangerous for me, but what the heck. Holden won't be there so the possibilities are endless!! Carrie already has a bunch of ideas of things we can do tomorrow haha!
hasta manana!
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