Thursday, May 5, 2011


Yesterday we went on a little adventure after we picked holden up from school. We walked to the goose pond that we love. And got to see baby geese! And I was almost attacked a few times when I got too close, trying to get a good picture hehe...those geese are feisty!!
Then we followed a path I had never been on. I was surprised I never knew about it! It led under the train tracks and alongside the stream/canal/river. Apparently that pond isn't just a pond! Haha.
Anyway, from the path, we found another one that lead into a grove of trees (idk any other noun for it). It was a little swampy and looked like a place teenagers would hang out, if you know what I mean. Holden thought it used to be a campground because there was a burnt up trash can and sticks, those kind of things.
There was also an old train track, covered in plants and tree branches (I felt like I was in narnia or something). When I tried to get a good picture of it, I turned around and almost stepped on a snake!! Oh my goodness. So we bailed real quick after that haha.
we continued on the original path for a while then turned around when I realized it probably wasn't going to come to an end anytime soon. From there we headed home and the kids started complaining like crazy. Mostly mackenna at first (never bringing her on an adventure again!) then holden started getting super tired of walking and had to continue on like a snail. I guess this is just how kids are. Plus it wasn't exactly cool out either. Our cheeks were definitely red by the time we got home.
Oh and I finished my first roll of holga film!!! I'll develop it when I get home to Cali NEXT WEEK!!! ahhhh!!!
I'm so ready to go home but I will definitely miss it here! I'm already missing New York like crazy! :(

Ok sorry for another long, boring post hah! Buenos noches!!

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